Flauntastic Confidence Program

The 6 step Flauntastic Confidence Program – Intense 90 days to feel confident & powerful again

When I think about confidence, I think about it as an edifice that is not affected by any storms, earthquakes or tornadoes, simply because its foundation is very strong. And that’s how our confidence should be – not affected by judgments, comparisons, or failures – for it has a base that’s Flauntastic.

The base to such Flauntastic Confidence is the: knowing – acceptance – & love – for your true self & through this program, I intend to build this keystone within you.

Get to know the program here:

Step 1: Clear Self-doubt

In this step I will help you understand your self-doubt better. We will break it down in detail and learn how it is affecting you. We will also define clearly what living without self-doubt means to you & turn it into your goal to reach that level.

Step 2: Reverse Negative thoughts

In this step I’ll help you identify those thoughts that are currently holding you back and how to clear them with ease. We will concentrate on your negative thoughts. Understand its triggers & evaluate if the thoughts are helpful or unhelpful for you. The unhelpful thoughts will then be challenged by using different perspectives. A series of questions and worksheets will be used for this process.

Step 3: Know Who You Are

In this step, you will understand who you are as a person, what matters to you, & what makes you, You.  You will get a clear picture of your qualities and limitations or those parts of yours that you think are limiting you to be the person you want to be. Having so much factual knowledge about yourself will give you the power to live your life consciously & not on auto pilot mode. I’ll help you remove your limitations and you’ll walk away with a clear understanding on how you can make conscious decisions that align with your own truth.

Step 4: Elevate your mindset

In this step I will help you identify why these negative thoughts keep coming up. These reasons are a reason for having a particular kind of mindset. Once you know the reason, you are free to change the reasons to your benefit. So then further, I’ll help you how to shift your mindset and take your power back so that the thoughts that emerge from you are in full alignment with who you really are and help you create the results that you want.

Step 5: Create Empowering beliefs

In this step, I aim to equip you to face failures, comparisons & judgments so that you can take continuous actions towards your desired life. This will be done by releasing you from beliefs that don’t serve you anymore & creating beliefs that are relatable to you & empower you to move ahead in life.

Step 6: Master self-confidence

In this step I’ll teach you how to confidently manage future obstacles so you can keep moving unapologetically in the direction that you want. I will give you practical ways that you can incorporate in your daily life, so that you can keep practicing the skills and strategies that you have learnt, because only with practice will this sequence get into a flow & build your confidence.

Take this short quiz to know if this program is meant for you.

Reflect on the following statements and stay, as truthful as possible, as you rate yourself on a scale of 1 – 5

[Score Key: 1 = Never 2 = Sometimes 3 = Often 4 = Mostly and 5 = Always]

  1. You are ambitious.
  2. You are ready and eager to shift your mindset & step into your power.
  3. You understand that building confidence is not gained through band aid solutions & requires effort & commitment to change how you think about yourself.
  4. You want to consistently achieve your goals
  5. You know that changes in your life depend on you & no one else on the outside.


20 – 25: Welcome to my tribe!! You are absolutely ready to be a part of this program, discover your authentic self & build Flauntastic confidence!!

10 – 19: Looks like you are hanging somewhere in the middle!! Would you like to jump on a call with me & check out what’s stopping you? Click on the Calendly link given below.

0 – 9: Hey!! Maybe this program is not what you are looking for at this moment!! Yet, feel free to go through my thoughts & let’s keep in touch through social media. You can find my links at the bottom of the page.